Waterbodies entered without classification and type are not displayed in list of water bodies but is included in the drop down for waterbodies in the Ambient Monitoring Entry Screen. This is due to the limitation in the waterbody selection drop downs which limits the choices to "Class" or "Type of Waterbody". Thus if the classification and type is not entered during the Waterbody entry, the waterbody is not visible in the list. This creates a problem in selecting which waterbody to select since it is possible that a waterbody can have 2, 3, 4 or more items in the dropdown if there is lacking data input as mentioned.

"ALL" option in dropdown is added. This will enable the display of all entered waterbodies even if class or type is blank.

WQIS Dashboard not available in the WQIS Main Menu. As we all know, the dashboard allows you to check all your data entries and GPS locations for accuracy.

Added WQIS Dashboard in the WQIS Main Menu.

When an Ambient Monitoring activity is deleted it is still displayed in the List of Ambient  Monitoring activities which basically means it was not deleted at all.

Fix: Problem fixed. Once a Monitoring Activity is deleted it does not appear anymore.

pH upper and lower limits not applied to entry - Ambient Monitoring, e.g. a pH value less than the minimum is not accepted or a "non-compliant status" is registered even if value is within the range.

Fix: Problem fixed.